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Targeting the Right Leads

Through direct mail, we drive a highly targeted marketing campaign for your MCA business. Leads have a high chance of conversion, provided they are looking for an MCA. Thus, these direct mail programs are effective, result-oriented, and help you gather information about your business funding leads.

Targeting the right leads – sounds like an easy task? However, if you fail to attract the right audience, your efforts will go in vain. A custom postcard printing company can offer you exceptional quality print solutions with great turnaround time to help target the right leads who are actively looking for financing options.

There is no limit on creativity when it comes to direct mail campaigns; multi-channel marketers today use traditional as well as digital direct mail techniques to reach the right audience. It is important that you target them with precision if you want your business marketing campaign to be successful. We offer highly targeted data lists that come from genuine sources and are verified by both our clients and third party vendors.

Even otherwise, it is advisable to present information in a simple format rather than making it complex for the readers. Leave out the technical jargon; focus on what you can do for your customers instead of what they can’t do without your product or service. Most importantly, make sure you present all necessary information upfront so that there are no questions left unanswered at the end of your mailer copy.

Why choose direct mail marketing?

To understand why, let’s take a quick look at your potential customers. Your leads have just been made aware of an issue that is important to them and they are looking for ways to solve it. If they were satisfied with their current service or resource, they would not be in this search phase – the perfect time to reach out and offer your product/service.

Direct Mail Success Simulation: The steps outlined below give you an idea on how we use various Direct Mail simulation tools and follow-up procedures in our direct mail campaigns for your MCA business:

  • Strategic lead scoring based on customer’s database (Egg: CRM)
  • 2 We analyze data thoroughly & create smart lists
  • 100% U.S. Postal Service Approved Postcards
  • Delivered within 3 business days only (Printing to Delivery Time)
  • Tracked results for every lead sent via Google Analytics integrated system / Email Tracking Add-on
  • Customized design of postcard, logo print on it and all the tags required by USPS
  • 100% money back guarantee if leads do not convert into sales in 60 days or less

Tell them why they should listen to you Prove you are an authority on the topic through facts, testimonials etc. Call to action – Ask for the sale!   The list below highlights what marketers need to know before they plan their next direct mail marketing campaign:

  • Clear objectives
  • Smart list creation
  • The right message at the right time-frame
  • Well thought out call to action!

These are few pointers for marketers who want to ensure that their marketing efforts pay off with effective results:

  1. Know your market and determine where they can be found
  2. Make sure you know what’s on their mind (what problems do they need to solve?)
  3. Speak their language – Simple messages work best!
  4. Offer value for money
  5. Use opt-in postcards or pop-up boxes; this eliminates spam complaints
  6. Track results diligently

Be consistent

Follow up Your direct mail campaign is successful if it gets results which could mean one of two things: new paying customers or an increase in revenue per customer/client base. Your ultimate aim should be to quickly convert your leads into paying customers. This can be done by thoroughly researching your market, having a compelling CTA and testing everything before launching the campaign.