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Sales and marketing lead

In many companies there is a more or less permanent state of conflict that exists between marketing and sales and more specifically who is responsible for lead generation. It seems marketing is doing everything in the area of lead generation and the forwarding the leads to sales team. It is then the role of sales team to pick through the quality of leads. Some companies have now allocated lead generation solely to marketing to allow sales to focus on closing the leads.

Traditionally, the role of lead generation has been left to sales, but in today’s market it can be said that it should be shared between both sales and marketing. This way each department can add its unique expertise – sales with its ability to close business fast, and marketing with its solid knowledge base and experience. If sales and marketing work together, creating a lead generation strategy for both sales and marketing can give a far better return on investment. Marketing should generate the leads, sales should then close the deal – that is how it should work!

Sales & marketing have to be able to move in unison if they want to achieve success as one cannot succeed without the other. There has been an increase in companies recognizing this fact which is very encouraging as sales and marketing need each other’s support in order to grow their respective departments. When sales and marketing work as a team, everyone benefits; sales gets quality leads from quality marketers who already know what they’re doing, and the marketers themselves get more budget (and, as a result, more opportunities to prove their worth) because sales are closing deals faster.

By putting sales and marketing together as a team, sales will be able to focus on closing deals fast while the marketers continue their lead generation activities. Marketing should provide sales with leads from all sources at all times. Sales can then decide which ones to work on first based on priority, revenue potential, opportunity size etc. This way sales will have a steady flow of new prospects coming in which it can convert to sales. In other words, sales gets hot leads from quality marketers who already know the kind of data that is needed for each specific market segment, and these marketers get more budget because sales are closing deals faster.

Marketing & sales working as a team provides everyone involved with a tremendous advantage over companies that work separately or even against each other. Each department depends on each other for success and sales & marketing can work together to create an unbeatable strategy that will help their company succeed in today’s B2B marketplace. Marketing & sales working as a team provides everyone involved with a tremendous advantage over companies that work separately or even against each other.

Sales and marketing lead is a person who analyzes information regarding opportunities for potential sales in the market, researches customer data to find out the right target audience for products, generating leads through various activities. Sales and marketing lead also helps getting in-touch with customers using different communication channels. Sales represent direct monetary exchange of goods or services that are rendered while marketing represents indirect exchanges of goods or service.

Sales and Marketing Lead job responsibilities include but not limited to Identifies business development needs by studying client company’s business, markets & competitors; estimating internal resources required to meet objectives; judging priorities against resources available for competing for new business initiatives. Tracks market trends by region or industry segment to understand potential demand for product/service. Develops business relationships by providing information to prospects and customers; recommending potential products/services that meet client needs; maintaining rapport with key people in organization.

Generates leads or identifies new markets by identifying decision makers, evaluating status of sales force effectiveness, following up on marketing campaigns.  Evaluates sales techniques and strategies for obtaining effective results from various sales channels such as direct, call centre, dealers etc.  Enhances Sales performance by establishing short term and long term sales forecasts for specific regions/markets/customers; planning & monitoring budgets; analyzing trends & variances to forecasts; initiating corrective actions including the use of Sales reports & Sales Analysis Reports for Sales cycle Management. Sales Managers who do not have appropriate Sales reports & Sales Analysis Reports for Sales cycle Management would be likely to lose customers and hence business.