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Fuel Your MCA Business with Essential Business Leads

Let’s admit it, your cash advance business will be dead without consistent customer growth. So, you need essential business leads that are high in quality and competitive in price. That is why lead generation is incredibly important for the future of your business.

Looking for some helpful advice to make sure your lead generation strategy stays at the top of its game? Here are 5 tips to help you get the most out of your online lead generation or MCA advertising campaign.

1) Apply a High Trust Rating (HTR) Methodology to Your Business Leads

Most businesses rely on websites like Facebook and Twitter in their marketing efforts because they know this social media platform has proven time and again that it can produce real results by increasing brand awareness and consumer trust.

This is why using a high trust rating methodology when finding new business leads will improve your ability to attract brand loyalists and promote profitable assets that generate immediate cash flow in your MCA business.

Here’s how it works: In order to find the most relevant prospective customers, you need to add a level of personalization when searching online for real estate investors or franchises in specific geographic locations or demographics by applying a scoring system. If you conduct this exercise across platforms like Facebook and Twitter, you can begin with a personalized search of all public profiles within a given area.

Once you have developed a list of potential clients based on these searches, apply your HTR methodologies by determining which ones would be the best investment for your business – for instance, if you have a client with a high HTR score but they’re not in the market for an MCA loan right now, it might be best to set them aside and focus on clients who are more likely to purchase a service from you.

2) Leverage Social Media to Find Quality Leads

Where can you find quality leads? Look no further than social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn! By leveraging these platforms, like Google+, Tumblr or Pinterest, businesses can search targeted audiences by including keywords relevant to their business niche.

For example, if you own a home services business that specializes in roofing and gutter work, use keywords like “roofing” and “gutters” to locate clients who may need the services your business provides.

Focus on Content Marketing

Content is king – one of the most effective mediums to create a steady stream of inbound leads. Whether it’s written, video, or audio, high-quality content always pays back when it comes to improving content and A/B test it, which will help you bring a bump in conversion rates.

3) MCA Lead Generation: What Are They Looking For?

MCA lead generation has become an increasingly popular method for businesses trying to generate new business at minimal cost and effort. The best way to improve your ability to use this strategy effectively and increase conversions is to identify what type of information they want through their searches related to your business.

For example, if you run a website that offers information about MCA loans and related services like title loans and payday advances, and you notice client searches often include the word “bad credit,” try to use this phrase in your organic search approach by including it on your site or blog so potential clients can see it right away.

4) Make Your Leads Stand Out from the Competition with High Quality Content

In order for your business to stand out from the competition of other businesses trying to pull leads through customer acquisition efforts, high quality content is key. This is because you’re able to introduce new topics into your lead generation strategy that may not have been available before – which means more exposure for your business. Be sure to keep this in mind when developing your approach, and utilize SEO best practices to make sure you’re including the right keywords in your content so other businesses can’t steal your top slot on search results.

5) Promoting High Quality Leads

Don’t just focus on finding new business leads; try marketing to them once they reach your site! This is an important part of generating high quality leads that will result in conversions. To do so, use landing pages for lead magnets, aka free reports or eBooks, which should include both a headline and call-to-action button to sign up for more information based on what you noticed while performing online searches.

Automate Your Emails

Did you know that an average employee typically sends around 38 emails a day? You can reduce the manual workload of managing lists by automating all your emails. Add a proper CTA to your email signatures and promote your content, free trials, latest updates, etc. And don’t forget to track various elements of your emails.